Paper: Random Map Generation for Strategy Games

Random Map Generation for Strategy Games
[Shawn Shoemaker, 2004]

This paper explains how to generate a random map for a RTS game using clumps.
One of the most important aspects to consider when creating random maps for these games is the balance. Every player must have a balanced amount of terrain near them and a balanced amount of resources.
This can be achieved with clumps which are pieces of land that iteratively grow untill the map is filled. Initially, the map contains an empty grid with a tile for every player. This initial tiles are equally separated from each other.
Then, each tile grows iteratively by one tile, creating a clump of land untill the maximum growth size is reached or there are not enough tiles to expand again.
This leaves us with a map grid of zones for each player with roughly the same space. After each player's space has been determined, terrain height details will be generated, trying to give each clump a balanced configuration. Finally, resources can be placed inside each of the clumps, ensuring that each player can obtain the same amount of resources in one way or another.
This technique is useful as a general map creation algorithm, for either simple or complicated maps for different types of games.
A more detailed explanation of the algorithm and some examples can be found in the book AI Game Programming Wisdom 2.

Shoemaker, Shawn (2004). Random Map Generation for Strategy Games. In Steve
Rabin (Ed.) AI Game Programming Wisdom 2. United States, Charles River Media

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